Cartoon Vectors by Vecteezy

Vectors and files from the following authors on Freepik.

@user3866828 @freepik @sedarts @minamei9 @macrovector @mearaidad @upklyak @MianMaaz @wasanchy @4zevar @chekman @fajarpramudya @intararit @riandra @jomphon @xiamei @myimagine2018 @jakkapan21 @budibubee @hanakaz @nokkievector @user22261259 @yokbisayok @Alones @creative_design_2017 @winwin.artlab @artemegorov @photobeps @fgnopporn @hellogunastudio @8_visual @hanakaz @onlyyouqj @macrovector @natrotstudio @tigatelu @vectorystock @y-enko @canaridesign @shafiulalamashif157587 @vectorpocket @macrovector @upklyak


Main Menu Season 1 – Relaxing sound – Tavern Loop One by Alexander NakaradaLicense

Puzzle 1 A From Rezoner
Puzzle Game 3 From

About The Puzzles

Disclaimer: The puzzles contained in the game are collected from various sources. We make every effort to give credit where due, but it is not always possible to identify the original creator.

If you recognize any content as your own creation and wish to be acknowledged or have it removed, please contact us. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.